All right. Yeah. For today we have an interview with the main man, the incredible PASTOORR ENG KIAT!! Uncle H felt that a 'outside' pespective would be great and would be an excellent input. So here goes:
(Actually, this sort of ended up as a conversation. Poor Joyce... she was really copying down points frantically as we chatted. You go girl!! Since we copied down points first, this ain't ad verbatim)
Q: So how different is this trip compared to others before us? (not that we wanna rank and judge, but it really was different)
Pastor Eng Kiat: For previous trips, focus was on going to schools to teach English and just inviting students for evangelism. For this trip, we went through a typical week of a missionary's life.
Q: How are your feelings for the past 7 days?
Pastor Eng Kiat: This was a typical week for me, so its not very tiring, except for the movement as team size was around 25-30 so takes more time and coordination. (We were all super tired at the end of every day, and that's a typical week for him!!)
I find it refreshing from my point of view and actually energized rather than tired and drained. I felt the Holy Spirit is like a wind moving across the province in the last one week, touching and healing people through the ministry of the team. I also felt encouraged to press in with my walk with God, and minister in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Q:What's next?
Pastor Eng Kiat: The people were already there, but the trip has encouraged me to move more in the Holy Spirit and in faith. Like healing the sick and casting out demons. I also learnt how to minister to the people so that they can be served more effectively, such as areas like physical and inner healing. Whether the church is conservative or charismatic, these works still need to be done. From time to time, we come across people who need deliverance. Most families are actually dysfunctional and has to be ministered to (inner healing). Lastly, I feel encouraged to equip the members of the church to move in the supernatural.
Uncle Henry: We really want to see Christians here move in miracles, signs and wonders. That's why we arranged a prayer fire tunnel on the last day for impartation of the healing anointing to the church leaders and workers. There is no secret formula to healing, God is the one who use our hands to heal. I believe that something takes place in the spiritual realm during impartation. The healing anointing that was imparted to us by other healing revivalists would also be imparted to the leaders here. I would be passing Eng Kiat some Bill Johnson, Kris Valloton and Derek Prince books and CDs to help him in equipping the church members.
Q:What growth did you see in the TMT team?
Pastor Eng Kiat: Majority of them has came before when they were kids. They were young and needed a lot of guidance and constant encouragement and enthusiam. But now, they're here like ministers, who could take the lead on their own. Many of them testified that they encountered God, which stirred up their faith level and made them realise that there's more to life than living for self. Looking back, its more like a partnership. Members of my church grew alongside with the TMT teams. If there was no TMT that year, it felt quieter. The Thais love TMT too. It's such a joy and annual celebration when it happens.
Every team that comes believes that God would work powerfully in the Thai spiritual life. The Thais have high respect for the team because they feel that we are empowered to evangelize, and they believe that God has great plans for them and would use them in various ways. In fact, I don't even need to send out invitations for mission trips. Teams always offer to come first. I'm glad to be a contributing part of the TMT.
There you have it! Directly from the horses mouth! HAHA!