N: Thanks Aunty Ellen for your words of wisdom and everyone else for your support. God is the same in Singapore and Thailand and I believe that God's going to continue being totally awesome and real even after we return. And I too believe that the people 'left behind' will have their OWN incredible, personal stories to share as this is only the beginning as blessing upon blessing, testimony upon testimony will be heaped onto us. Yeah.... hopefully you agree. Having said that, we do not look forward to seeing you all again. Kidding. But I really feel an ache, a sense of loss, that all this is over so soon, because everyday had been so rich in experiences. I really don't know how to start writing as I feel so overwhelmed.
G: Yeah, today was amazing! Just go rest N, today I'll help ya out with this. The Fathers love was really tangible during today's session. From the morning session about knowing how much our Father loves us and Wan Hsi's testimony till the very end, Gods love just kept us going. Anyways, here's what sorta happened: the morning session started with Wan Hsi asking all of us if we knew how much God loves us or that every thought He thinks of us is good (when she asked that, I sorta noticed that quite few hands went up and those that did, did so quite hesitantly). She also noted that we tend to relate God the Father to our earthly fathers, which explains the response to the questions, as Pastor Eng Kiat(PEK) clarified: the Thais relate to their parents with so much reverence that they do not actually have any physical contact at all. The most intimate greeting they have is just the standard bowing with hands together. So in a way, due to their culture, the Thais rarely have a chance to experience true Fathers love. Our job was to pray for them to open their hearts and allow our Heavenly Father to touch them with His love and also to give them a nice BIG hug to enforce that love in their lives.
Then we had a super good thai kuay teow lunch together like a big family! As a person who doesnt take spicy food, I just have to say that even non-spicy thai food is uber. I don't mind eating it everyday even though my choices are quite limited. (time for more chilli training)
Anyways, back to the subject at hand, the afternoon session is a youth camp. about 40 youths from around the region came to attend it. There were little girls and boys, teenagers( there was a group that even looked abit ah beng), adults, and even an adorable little old lady in yellow(shes so cute I can still remember her smile). for the adult session, Wan Hsi shared her testimony about how God always hears us when we call upon Him and Uncle Henry(UH) and PEK stood in as proxy fathers to the thais; that was an AWEsome session.
UH and PEK filled the breach by being fathers to the thais for that moment, in which the thai people could release themselves from the hurts of not having felt a fathers love. In the words of UH himself, and I quote: the thai people really released forgiveness to their fathers, some of them even asked: Why were you not there for me when I needed you? Where were you? One of the girls said: "I've not seen you father, I've wanted to see you, I've always wanted a father like everyone else." One of the men, Sayang (yes thats his name), said: "I'm sorry dad, that I hit you when I got angry at you." Another woman, who was abandoned twice by her natural father and then by her step father, said: "I'm angry at you father, why did you leave me all by myself?" The Holy Spirits presence was so strong and the stories and words were so heart wrenching that UH and PEK wept openly while asking for forgiveness from the people and for a prayer of blessing from our Heavenly Father over their earthly fathers. At the same time, the team also went around and hugged and comforted the thai people and prayed for them. The Holy Spirit's presence was so sososo tangible right then, that even whilst ministering to the thais, some of the team also burst into tears when our Wonderful Father touched their hearts and released forgiveness and healing to their own hurts. How amazing and beautiful our God is! Personally, this is the most important day to me in the whole trip. The past 7 days, we mostly prayed and moved in physical healing and deliverance, but today, God moved in the spirits of the people and showed us what He meant in His word when He said we are of one spirit. What an amazing family we have in Jesus!
Before dinner, we all really needed to recharge and since it was our last day, it was time for IMPARTATION! Recharge + Impartation = FIRE TUNNEL
the whole team formed a tunnel as best as we could in the small area we had, and all the people present walked through it. (remember the "ah beng" teenagers I mentioned earlier? well as it turns out, looks can be deceiving and they participated in all the previous ministry and even waited their turn to enter the fire tunnel) Every single one was prayed for. Some of us were knocked down by the power of the Holy Spirit and Wan Hsi was so filled with the spirit she couldn't find the strength to get up for dinner! But after going through it we were all restored and it felt so goooood!
After the ministry time, we had another super duper thai dinner, brown sweet soup with rice, pork ribs and meatballs! ROCKS. A-ROY to the MAX.
Well, I took so long to type all this that everyone's like already resting. so I think this is where I'll sign off today. See you all tomorrow back at home!
G: Yeah, today was amazing! Just go rest N, today I'll help ya out with this. The Fathers love was really tangible during today's session. From the morning session about knowing how much our Father loves us and Wan Hsi's testimony till the very end, Gods love just kept us going. Anyways, here's what sorta happened: the morning session started with Wan Hsi asking all of us if we knew how much God loves us or that every thought He thinks of us is good (when she asked that, I sorta noticed that quite few hands went up and those that did, did so quite hesitantly). She also noted that we tend to relate God the Father to our earthly fathers, which explains the response to the questions, as Pastor Eng Kiat(PEK) clarified: the Thais relate to their parents with so much reverence that they do not actually have any physical contact at all. The most intimate greeting they have is just the standard bowing with hands together. So in a way, due to their culture, the Thais rarely have a chance to experience true Fathers love. Our job was to pray for them to open their hearts and allow our Heavenly Father to touch them with His love and also to give them a nice BIG hug to enforce that love in their lives.
Then we had a super good thai kuay teow lunch together like a big family! As a person who doesnt take spicy food, I just have to say that even non-spicy thai food is uber. I don't mind eating it everyday even though my choices are quite limited. (time for more chilli training)
Anyways, back to the subject at hand, the afternoon session is a youth camp. about 40 youths from around the region came to attend it. There were little girls and boys, teenagers( there was a group that even looked abit ah beng), adults, and even an adorable little old lady in yellow(shes so cute I can still remember her smile). for the adult session, Wan Hsi shared her testimony about how God always hears us when we call upon Him and Uncle Henry(UH) and PEK stood in as proxy fathers to the thais; that was an AWEsome session.
UH and PEK filled the breach by being fathers to the thais for that moment, in which the thai people could release themselves from the hurts of not having felt a fathers love. In the words of UH himself, and I quote: the thai people really released forgiveness to their fathers, some of them even asked: Why were you not there for me when I needed you? Where were you? One of the girls said: "I've not seen you father, I've wanted to see you, I've always wanted a father like everyone else." One of the men, Sayang (yes thats his name), said: "I'm sorry dad, that I hit you when I got angry at you." Another woman, who was abandoned twice by her natural father and then by her step father, said: "I'm angry at you father, why did you leave me all by myself?" The Holy Spirits presence was so strong and the stories and words were so heart wrenching that UH and PEK wept openly while asking for forgiveness from the people and for a prayer of blessing from our Heavenly Father over their earthly fathers. At the same time, the team also went around and hugged and comforted the thai people and prayed for them. The Holy Spirit's presence was so sososo tangible right then, that even whilst ministering to the thais, some of the team also burst into tears when our Wonderful Father touched their hearts and released forgiveness and healing to their own hurts. How amazing and beautiful our God is! Personally, this is the most important day to me in the whole trip. The past 7 days, we mostly prayed and moved in physical healing and deliverance, but today, God moved in the spirits of the people and showed us what He meant in His word when He said we are of one spirit. What an amazing family we have in Jesus!
Before dinner, we all really needed to recharge and since it was our last day, it was time for IMPARTATION! Recharge + Impartation = FIRE TUNNEL
the whole team formed a tunnel as best as we could in the small area we had, and all the people present walked through it. (remember the "ah beng" teenagers I mentioned earlier? well as it turns out, looks can be deceiving and they participated in all the previous ministry and even waited their turn to enter the fire tunnel) Every single one was prayed for. Some of us were knocked down by the power of the Holy Spirit and Wan Hsi was so filled with the spirit she couldn't find the strength to get up for dinner! But after going through it we were all restored and it felt so goooood!
After the ministry time, we had another super duper thai dinner, brown sweet soup with rice, pork ribs and meatballs! ROCKS. A-ROY to the MAX.
Well, I took so long to type all this that everyone's like already resting. so I think this is where I'll sign off today. See you all tomorrow back at home!