
Posted by Covenant Youth & Young Adult On 11:26 AM

Hellos! Sorry for the lack of updates, ahaha! Its really tough (without anyone dragging me out of the room to sit in front of the comp to type updates out) after my shower and a day's of activity!

The past 2 days has been really good! The final night was another night of encounter but we did a change of stations which involved holy communion, prophetic art, a prayer scripture verse station where they could meditate on and a prophetic station where the team took turns to release prophetic words out to the returnees.

But above all, Pastor Keith felt a need for the Father's Love to be done so we had a testimony from Andrew to share on the Father's Love and the team went out to be ready to give out free hugs and embrace to the returnees, to minister to them and stand in proxy as fathers and mothers, since most of the returnees were mostly women. It was powerful as many embraces often ends up in tears for the returnees of them, feeling loved and hugged by the Father. (This was the day before yesterday).

Many on the last day (which was yesterday) shared their testimonies and most shared how encouraged they felt throughout this entire camp, cause there was this feel of hopelessness and difficulties they felt in their circumstances they felt while returning back to Sri Lanka, and one lady even shared how much more loved she felt when she was back in Singapore in comparison to the church back in Sri Lanka and it was difficult for her. With the team coming back to minister in Sri Lanka, greatly encouraged them in their walk and faith and many desired to walk closer with the Lord as many due to circumstances turned away, but has now decided to take a closer walk with the Lord from what they experienced over the past few days. They felt loved with the Singaporean team being over at Sri Lanka for them.

One lady even had a dream of Pastor Sunil in the dream before this camp, that Pastor Keith will be coming to Sri Lanka, so she decided to come for the camp (if my memory doesn't fail me) in which upon arrival, was busy looking for Pastor Keith, seeing him was like a confirmation of what the Lord told her in her dream :)

God has been amazing really, and praise God for another salvation I just knew yesterday, that our driver has been converted! :) Hee hee. Its really amazing, Pastor Shani led him to Christ :) He's really funny, I tend to giggle whenever I look at the driver cause he constantly smiles everytime you have eye contact with him, he doesn't speak English so somehow along the way, you'll either need sign language or some translation to get things through.

Thank you all for the prayers! :) All the love, Joan's able to get by (she was quiet the day before yesterday) cause she was feeling pretty sick but I think she's better now that she's got more talking back. The team's heading out to the beach soon, an hour's drive away, I'll try to get some pictures up when I return! Grace is yearning for a swim after experiencing the massive winds by the beach yesterday and I have a beautiful shot of MF (mtv-likish shot) - She's gonna kill me if I post it up, but I'll risk it till she finds out :D while the guys in the team, Shani, Keith and Andrew went on to meet the pastors yesterday over dinner to talk about some TNET thingies.

Gotta run now! Loves,
The Babylet (*grins at AET)