Hello for the last time from Thailand,
Right now, we feel very conflicted, so if our posts are not really up to par, please overlook it. Why conflicted? Because we are really looking forward to the comfort of our beds and showers, but also, we kinda know that there is so much more we want to do and learn here and that all the friendships forged here will now be made so much more difficult to upkeep.
However, it is our prayer (okay, actually Uncle Henry said this, but whatever is his is ours too heh) that this is not the end but the beginning. And that even though we seemed to have done so much during the trip, it doesn’t prove that we are elite or up, but it just shows how the grace of God can really utilize all kinds of people who are experiencing all kinds of stuff in their life (some good, some bad) to do His work. And no one is excluded from during the supernatural, in fact, the supernatural has gotta be natural for us first. That’s why it is called superNATURAL right? Hmm, guess we should return home with a thankful heart, and a heart filled with righteous passion that there is so much more that we need to know about the reality of God. So expect cool stuff to happen at home, cool stuff is not confined to hot Thailand haha (okay lame sorry).
Okay after that long ramble, which was inspired by UH’s reflections, we would introduce a new way of writing today haha. As it is the last day, we would be giving you the reflections of all the trippers.
Neo: TMT 09 was about discovering my personal identity as someone who can move in the supernatural. The previous trip gave me a holy dissatisfaction about my current knowledge of God and encouraged me to learn more. TMT 10 was more about discovering my identity as a leader, and how it is such a joy to see other people stepping up into their true identities.
Daniel: TMT has put me in complete awe of God and all the events have proven to be a revelation of God’s glory.
Ben Chan: Felt that I made up for the lack of depth to the friendships that I made during TMT 09 with this trip. This trip, he spent more time with the Thai youths and got to know their life stories and backgrounds. I was also very encouraged when I heard their testimonies.
Emelyne: There has been more 1 to 1; or quality time during this trip as we were focused on blessing as many schools and children as possible during the previous youth trip. Therefore, this trip has been more encouraging as I got to interact more with the locals and learn of their stories.
Eunice: I was reminded that I am most alive when I am doing God’s work. During the trip, I felt a holy dissatisfaction as I felt that I wanted so much more. I am very hungry to find out more about this, I know what I have is not enough.
Peilin: I discovered that God can use her and work through her to bless others, especially through the prophetic art ministry. I was initially skeptical on the ability of prophetic art to impact the lives of the people, but soon realized that a simple piece of art or sketch can be so powerful in ministering to people. God also told me how to take things slow sometimes, and that sometimes, healings do not happen in a snap.
Shaun: I was greatly reminded how much I love to be in the mission field. I love the intensity and the excitement of mission work, and found the church staff workers’ testimony very encouraging.
Kusha: I am very grateful for the experience. As I was just baptized, I have only known of the theoretical aspect of God. Now, I realise that Christianity and God is practical. I saw the works and was greatly inspired, especially by the uncle with leprosy. I felt really happy after seeing him healed.
Charissa: In TMT 09, I shied away from all deliverance cases, because I felt discomforted by them. I was disturbed by the trip and had many sleepless nights. I realized that I did not know my identity then, as I was ruled by fear; but TMT 10 really affirmed that I need not be scared. I have now conquered my fears, and my identity in Christ is now more solidified.
Louisa: TMT has shown me how God can empower ordinary people like me to do His work. Usually when praying for healing, I have no idea what to pray for the people, hence, I always end up praying random things; however, I realized that God still heals the people anyway because He is filled with mercy and grace. Also, it is very heartening and encouraging to see the TMT members stepping up into their identities, this really spurs me on to find and work in my identity in Christ.
Daryl: The supernatural encounters on this trip was eye-opening, not in the sense that they are new, but in the sense that I have never seen them so powerfully before. This encourages me to craft new goals to aim for in the future.
Keith: I did not come with super high expectations, and would have rated it an 8/10 trip. I think the whole group did well overall, but it seemed like we should be able to do more. Good thing was that I came expecting miracles, but instead, I saw a lot of compassion. I was especially impressed by Ben Chan. In this trip, I really realized that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, and that there are no hierarchies in church.
Janelle: I was encouraged to step out and speak up. I used to be afraid of embracing the authority that God has given to us, but now, I am more confident to share about the love of God; as I myself have experienced it. I am also thankful that I have gotten to know more new friends.
Vanessa: I started off very excited for the trip. I also felt that it was a good start for the children’s programme, when we started with the story of David and Goliath. This highlighted to me that we all possess the armor of God and reminded me how to put the armour on. I therefore became gung ho in the group and also decided to put aside my own pride. I feel inspired to sharpen my sword and jump into battle now.
Enting: Firstly, I am amazed at what God had done on this trip. It is amazing to see myself and others rise up together to serve the Lord. Secondly, I was impressed by the faith of the Thais. They are so willing to share everything with no pretentiousness, and I know that the healings that took place is due to their faith.
Thirdly, I realized that I always worked to busy herself, but in this trip. I felt that I need to learn how to slow down so that I can feed His sheep.
Lastly, I feel that when we empower of the Thais, we ourselves are empowered.
Andrew: I remembered that I was angry when I found out that the lady in Saweangha did not throw away her idols even though we had delivered her in TMT 09, hence, the spirits once again entered her. On hindsight, this served as a useful reminder to I should not be like her and hesitate to throw away the idols in my life.
I am thankful that I was able to make the trip after walking home after a bust up with his friend. I felt like I was in no shape to lead the trip, however, I was encouraged by the healing of the deaf man on Sunday, and this gave me the strength to lead the trip.
Bella: I realized that I have received more in return despite it seeming like I have given a lot through all the praying we did. I also have gained a lot in experience during the course of this trip. I feel blessed by the many testimonies and the smiles of the Thais when God works in them.
Enxuan: I have received more than what I have given during this trip. I also learnt a lot more about the supernatural. I learnt more about how to hear from God and this trip has built up my confidence level.
Devi: TMT was an exciting and adventurous journey where I was led by the Lord to do many miracles. Despite going the trip with no expectations, as I was not familiar with the supernatural and also was new to the church, I have realised that He is an awesome God who reigns on heaven and earth. I could really see His favour poured out onto us as we prayed. Also, I found that the outdoor evangelistic concert was a really cool concept that we have never seen in Singapore. I have enjoyed learning from and about everyone, and learning about the supernatural. In addition, the faith of the Thai people has really encouraged me, and I would like to share a short testimony which happened today that illustrates this.
Today, during the evangelistic concert, I was asking the Lord what I should share with the children. I decided to share about the story of Grace who was stuck in a vicious cycle of addiction and violence, however, on becoming a Christian; she forgave her family and broke out of the cycle of addiction and violence. This testimony of this girl named Grace was actually my own testimony.
After the sharing, a 9 year old girl came up to me and started asking me questions about my family; whether I have forgiven my family and stuff like that. In addition, before she left, she said that she would pray for me. I was very moved and started tearing as despite her young age, her faith is so pure and so strong. Her faith has really encouraged me, and I hope that this testimony inspires you too!
Nice end to the reflections of the trippers, but we definitely cannot leave out a short sharing by Pastor Eng Kiat himself! After all, he gives us what the local perspective is and probably is the best barometer of what God has accomplished during our short stay in Thailand. One of the days, we had Holy Communion and he conducted it for us. And he shared: There is a refreshment when the team comes, even if it’s for a short 9 days. It is as if a wind has blown through the province. We do not know where wind comes from or what the wind of God wants to do, but God is using us to clear up some debris, refreshing some lives and in the process our lives are touched eternally.
That is good! Haha, we would comment on it if it was way earlier, but brain has stopped functioning so shall just accept it as a good word (: Good night and see you in Singapore!
TMT 10