Dear Covenantors,
Thank you for your encouragement and prayer support. Because of your prayers, we are so awed and thankful that God showed up in Singburi and Inburi to heal the sick and brokenhearted, and to set the captives free. Quoting Pastor Eng Kiat's, he felt “the Holy Spirit is like a wind moving across the province in the last one week, touching and healing people through the ministry of the mission team.”
We saw for ourselves the fruits of the Covenant Green Shop – a pig farm, a mushroom farm and a fish farm. The initial start up money comes from our own Covenant Green Shop. The pig farm we visited belongs to a woman, called Miw, whose pigs are paid for by the covenant seed fund. She had attempted to commit suicide in the past but was saved by her dog. She contacted the Christian radio station, which linked her to Pastor Eng Kiat. Thanks to the labour of love from Pin Kiat and Gek Hiang and contributions by Covenantors, Miw and other families who received your love gifts are able to start life anew.
We also want to express our appreciation to Covenantors who contributed brand new stationery and cash donations that were given out as gifts to the Thai children and needy families during outreach events and visitations. We met up with the students who are recipients of the Thai Education Fund that was raised from the Sharity Food Fest and contribution from church. All of them are from needy families and had done very well in their studies. One of them was even interviewed by a local TV station for overcoming adversities and coming up top in her studies.
Thanks also to the parents of the young adults who released their children for the mission trip amidst the H1N1 flu. I remember Su Lan (Pastor Derek Hong's wife) declared prophetically during our Jul 09 Burning Bush Service that the young adults are like eaglets ready to take flight. This has indeed come to pass as they soared high during the mission trip by being so open to being used by God so that many lives were healed and impacted through them.
We want to thank the Pastoral staff, Session members and Mission Committee for their magnanimous support in terms of financial contribution and spiritual impartation to the mission team. Special personal thanks to Pastor Keith and Mui Fong for their advice on the planning and preparation for the trip.
And not forgetting the prayer and fasting team who prayed for us. Thanks so much for co-labouring with us during this mission trip. You all are the home HQ for the mission team !
Although we saw the Holy Spirit moved in physical healing and deliverance, God showed us during the trip that many Thai children who are abandoned by parents needed inner healing, many of them rarely have a chance to experience true Fathers love. We need to pray for them to continue to open their hearts and allow our Heavenly Father to touch them with His love.
Though the people we've ministered to will be followed up by Pastor Eng Kiat and the local church members, lets continue to commit them in prayer and stand alongside with them through our prayers!
All Glory, Honor, Praise and with Thanksgiving to God !
Wan Hsi, Eunice, Lydia, Kirstie, Joyce, En Min, Ying Qi, Charissa, Keryn Shi Wei, Alvin, Mark, Clarence, Gabriel, Andrew, Jacob. Henry & Carol