The story of Feet Washing happens during the special meal Jesus ate with his disciples on the night before his death (John 13:1-17). It was customary for the people's feet to be washed, usually by the lowest ranking servant, before a meal was served.
Thanks to Clarence, Mark, Daniel, Joyce, Cass, Eunice, Jacob, Joel and Shaun for organising a most fun and meaningful Easter party today. When the young adults were asked to reenact the feet washing scene through a role-play by contextualizing it into today's practice, the most unimaginable scenarios happened. Imagine the boss demonstrating what it means to “wash feet” by washing the workers' soiled clothings including underwear!
The painting shows prominent world leaders like Chancellor Angela Merkel, Tony Blair, George Bush, Manmohan Singh and Jiang Zemin. Dressed in the manner depicted in the Last Supper of John 13, Jesus is washing the feet of former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Next to him is Osama Bin Laden. Would Jesus wash his feet?
Would God really wash the feet of your enemies?
I suppose we need to ask whether Jesus would wash our feet.
Romans 5:10
For if, when we were God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him by the death of his Son, how much more, being reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!
uncle Henry n auntie Carol
Sunday 12 Apr 09