Imagine you are Jesus' disciples following him on HIs earthly ministry. You’ve watched him raise the dead, you watched him prayed for lepers with missing parts of the body reappearing. You watched him opened blind eyes. You’re in the boat scared to death, and He came walking on water, and calmed the storm.
You’ve seen all these stuff, and it is request time. And you got your one request that you can ask Him do for Him. Most of us would have asked for something different – how to walk in greater authority, more spiritual gifts or as Solomon asked for greater wisdom.
They were able to see that all that Jesus did through the course of time was reduced to one skill. They were able to sum up his entire life, his power, his effectiveness everything that they admired – to reduce to one simple request. Jesus, “there is one thing we want, teach us to pray”. How do believers ought to pray that will cause the circumstances around you to align with heaven, to align with the will of God? Come and find out this Sunday.