Starting this Sunday, I will be conducting a BS series on 'Supernatural Disciple'. The first session of this series would be on the topic 'The Power of the Renewed Mind'. One of the key purpose of supernatural living is to produce proof of the reality of God on earth.
The apostle Paul put it this way,
'Aren't you tired of talking about a gospel of power, but never seeing it in action? Aren't you tired of trying to carry out the Great Commission without offering proof that the Kingdom works? Too many of us have been like a vacuum cleaner salesman who comes to the door and throws a handful of dirt in on the floor and says, "I represent the new Whiz Bang vacuum cleaner company. My vacuum cleaner is so strong that you have to remove pets and small children from the room. It sucks up everything in sight." But instead of demonstrating the vacuum cleaner he simply hands you a brochure (tract), promises that the machine will work, and walks away. That's cheating people!'
Excerpts from Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind Chapter 1
by Bill Johnson
by Bill Johnson
I highly encourage you to come for this study if you desire to walk in the supernatural,
Uncle Henry
Uncle Henry
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