Thanks to all who send me birthday wishes today. Yes, I turn 48 today...someone told me in jest that it is a good thing that this old cow can still be taught new tricks. But seriously, 48 is the beginning of a new journey for me. Besides auntie carol and Moses in the Old Testament, Smith Wigglesworth and Brother Yun are my spiritual heros. When Clarence came to wish me earlier this evening, I told him that Smith Wigglesworth was 48 when he was baptised in the Holy Spirit in 1907, and found new power to preach the gospel, heal the sick and even raised a few persons from the dead. His ministry lasted for another 40 years till his death.
Another hero I respect a lot is an exiled underground house church leader from China called Brother Yun. There are about 100 million Christian in underground house churches in China today. Like the 1st century Christians who faced persection, these disciples of Christ in China followed the model laid down by Jesus, and propagated the Christian faith in way that is quite beyond human comprehension. Such miraculous acts were also found in the testimony of Brother Yun, who was imprisoned and beaten many time for his faith. One miracle that parallel that of the biblical account of Peter's escape from the prison was Brother Yun's escape from the Zhengzhou maximum security prison where he was miraculously healed of a cripple leg and walked out of the prison under th watchful eyes of the prison guards whom Yun describe as 'just looked through me as if I was invisible'. Brother Yun also testified that God constantly did outstanding miracles and divine healings, and the words of Jesus came supernaturally to many people...that saw tremendous growth in the house churches. I am privilege to meet Brother Yun when he visited S'pore a few years ago.
When Jiawei called me from Perth to wish me half an hour ago, he shared how he was very impressed with the passion for God found in the Christian students there. I have reminded Jiawei to remember to bring back the fire when he returns in June. I don't know how many of you who attended the 1st session of the Supernatural Disciple Study understood what I was trying to bring across last Sunday. I feel the urgency for us to be on fire for God. I sense that God has called all of us to embark on a new adventure. God is charting out a journey for us to experience his real presence, to sense the reality of heaven on earth, in our church, our community, and in our lives.
I am looking forward to going on this AMAZING Journey with you!!!
Uncle Henry
25 March 2009
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