Hey friends,
"Come, now is the time to worship"
And pray
So let's lift up our voices together this Sunday, 11.30am for a time of worship and prayer.
On behalf of YAcomm
+Going Deeper With God Through LECTIO
Dear Young Adults,We are privilege to have with us this Sunday, Annie Lee who will take us deeper into the area of spiritual formation. Her credentials include Master of Divinity, Master in Clinical Psychology, former Director of Family Court and volunteer Counselor at Liberty League. Do come and be blessed.
+Burning Bush Nite
Dear Covenantors,
Burning Bush Nite -19 Sept, Friday, 8 pm
Bernard Chan and Team
Pastor Keith Lai
Come for a time of Seeking and Encountering God. It is a time of Impartation and prayer for the sick. Bring those who need Healing Prayer Ministry.
Pastor Keith Lai
Yes, after the weeks of Community Blessing with the mooncakes and door to door knocking sessions and Treasure Hunting, lets reward ourselves and coming together for a time of TABLE FELLOWSHIP.
Hi Friends,
Are you feeling hungry already?
Join us for a time of.. DIY Table Fellowship!
First up on the list is, Prata & Sausage!
If you wish to chip in some other toppings like nutella, butter, banana..
or other foodies that we can DIY together, ie sandwiches..
reply this email
or sms me at 92965031 (lydia)
See you then, this sunday, 14 sept 11.30am at YABF room
*zhor hou nang (be a good person) - Bless each other through bringing food. Don't scared the food you bring need to feed everyone. Got hear the 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes, can feed thousands. Just bring food yah? (: There'll always be more than enough to go around after that heh heh heh.
Hi Friends,
Are you feeling hungry already?
Join us for a time of.. DIY Table Fellowship!
First up on the list is, Prata & Sausage!
If you wish to chip in some other toppings like nutella, butter, banana..
or other foodies that we can DIY together, ie sandwiches..
reply this email
or sms me at 92965031 (lydia)
See you then, this sunday, 14 sept 11.30am at YABF room
*zhor hou nang (be a good person) - Bless each other through bringing food. Don't scared the food you bring need to feed everyone. Got hear the 5 Loaves and 2 Fishes, can feed thousands. Just bring food yah? (: There'll always be more than enough to go around after that heh heh heh.